Bianca sucks down 10 hot loads of milky cum – 10ManCumSlam

As a professor of logic might say, ah, class, an oxymoron presents itself! How can a woman, for instance, with a religiously inspired New England-ish name like Bianca Pureheart, indulge in carnal depravity such as group participation cock sucking? Shocking is beyond the word one would use to describe this example of oral deviance. Churches were built, chastity belts fashioned and religions created as a means of warding the innocent female from such wayward behavior. And, yet, through the ages it continues relentlessly. Women become whores. Women become porn performers. Whores buy fancy cars and porn performers truck with famous celebrities. A pattern emerges. We understand a man’s need for letting off some steam now and then but for a woman to let the taste of cock defile her lips! As much as we encourage you to jackoff to the likes of Bianca, we must also advise you to be careful who you’re sperming off to. Bianca’s okay. Some girls aren’t. [They have diseases.] We’ll warn you ahead of time. Trust us. Take one girl and 10 guys. Stick em in a room. Add a video camera. Remove clothing. Pay the girl a lot of money… Open comes her mouth! Dicks getting sucked left and right. All 10 loads going straight into her tummy.

Date: November 18, 2024